God's Peace in Trials

Foxhole discussions:

Week Two: Share with your foxhole what you heard in the story.

Week Three: Share with your foxhole what you think applies to your life from the story.

Week Four: Share with your foxhole what action(s) you plan to take as a result of the story.

Broken Places:
by Plumb

I trust You to heal
I trust You to save
So I'll trust You enough
To get out of the way

To come where I am
To silence my doubt
So I'll forfeit my plans
And let Yours play out

You are strong
In the broken places
I'm carried in Your arms
You are strong
In the broken places
There's healing in these scars

So I'll keep coming back
To what You said first
Beyond what I see
Beyond how it hurts

Whatever You ask God
No matter how hard
The place of my breaking is
Right where You are

You are strong
In the broken places
I'm carried in Your arms
You are strong
In the broken places
There's healing in these scars

You redeem You restore
You make things better than before
You reconcile You resurrect
You speak life over death
You redeem You restore
You make things better than before
You reconcile You resurrect
You speak life over death
You redeem You restore
You make things better than before
You reconcile You resurrect
You speak life over death

You are strong
In the broken places
I'm carried in Your arms
You are strong
In the broken places
There's healing in these scars

Jeremy Waterhouse